Monday, November 8, 2021

Blog post #12 Types of Magazines

 This post will go over the various types of magazines and a reflection on my thoughts on them


These articles are typically written by professors in colleges ad universities, with respect to the specific topic. These types of articles are written in a way that's well documented with a bibliography featuring the documented sources, and with very little advertising. Audience includes are scholars in that respected field.


Trade magazines are publications aimed at a specific field or job. Naturally these articles are written by those who work in that respected field. Audience makes up those who either work or follow that carer.  


Popular articles are the most well known of the three types,  featuring magazines and newspapers. These are written by professional or free lance writers. While these types of magazines are geared toward the general public, specific magazines can be tailored towards a specific group, depending on the genre and topic.



While I had been aware of the common popular magazine, I never really knew about scholarly and trade. But while reading over the three main types of magazine, I consider it a good thing that there are different types that appeal to different people interest beyond just drama and gossip as seen in the popular.  magazine. 

Blog post #11 History of Magazines

 For this blog post I will be going over the history of magazines and commenting my thoughts on it in a reflection 

History of Magazines 

The invention of the printing press in 1440 revolutionized how knowledge can be shared throughout society. Rather than having to copy everything down by hand, the printing press could easily print out hundreds of books,pamphlets and newsletters. In 1663 Johann Rist created one of the earliest magazines titled the "Edifying Monthly Discussions". It had summarized the latest books and scholarly articles. During this time in 1672, Jean Donneau de VizĂ© would publish the Le Mercure Galant, which was a periodical which featured the latest songs, news and gossip. Moving into the 1700's, there would be an increase in literacy among the populace. This would pave the way for the rise in popularity of magazines, such as The Gentlemen's Magazine, published by Edward Cave, and Daniel Defoe's The Review. However, many of these magazines were only really made for those who could afford it, so the content of which was not as diverse as seen today. But as magazines become more affordable during the 1800's, the shift in audience would introduce a much wider range of topics. 



Going over the history of magazine's really opened my eyes o how much the concept of a magazine is a pure example of the world entering a new age.People become not only more literate, but also much more interested about the world around them. And as magazines would continue to rise in popularity over the years, this concept of being able to easily access the latest news and information would play a major influence in society and how the world worked in general