Monday, February 28, 2022

Blog Post #31 Feature Lead Practice #3

 For the next series of blogs, I plan to develop my writing skills by practicing how to leads for my feature story in my magazine. This is the final one.  

Lead Title: A concerning report is nothing more than a child's lie

Lead Description: A concerned mother goes to the police after she suspects her child had been beaten by his teacher

Practice Example:

The police in this municipality received a call at 3:45 p.m. yesterday afternoon. A woman shouted at the sergeant who answered the telephone. She said: "My son's been beaten. His teacher whipped him this afternoon, and he's all red where she paddled him. Can teachers do that? That's assault and battery, and I want her arrested." Two police officers were sent to the home. They questioned the boy, who is 9 years old. At his mother's insistence, the police officers also inspected the boy's reported injuries. They reported: "We couldn't tell that the boy had been paddled. His fanny didn't look red to us, but we did notice that his pants legs were wet and muddy. As we talked, it became obvious that he boy was lying. He finally admitted that he had stopped to play on the way home from school, forgot the time and got home late. He told his mother that the teacher had spanked him and kept him after school. His mother was there with us and heard the whole story. She said she'd take of the situation, and we're quite certain that she will, as she was very embarrassed. In fact, we could hear her giving the kid a real paddling as we left—and a hard one."

Feature Lead: 

"My son's been beaten. His teacher whipped him this afternoon, and he's all red where she paddled him" a mother cry's to the police officers. The two officers visited the mothers home to question her son on the events. But it was clear that he was lying as he had no red marks. The boy had lied. In fact, we could hear her giving the kid a real paddling as we left—and a hard one."

Blog Post #35 Interview #1

 This blog will contain my first interview I conducted with Shon Barthell. 

1. My personal style Is centered mostly around streetwear.

2. When I wear these types of outfits to school, I get judged by most of my peers for dressing my


3. I hope to gain a clothing line that would love to have photoshoot with me in many cool outfits.

Maybe even to receive some clothes from that line.

4. This specific style came from my sisters, they always stop me from walking out the house if I was

wearing an outfit that was questionable and they would tell me to change until I was matching

with colors and had on a fit that was acceptable. Therefore, I had grown into a state where I

would just beat them to the punch and put on an outfit that was good from the start, until it just

became part of my everyday style.

5. I became interested in fashion when I had my first girlfriend. When I thought I needed the best

clothes and thought that all that miscellaneous stuff mattered, I got really into fashion, and it


6. Suit in general I just look good in suits or any formal outfit. A nicely planned outfit that has many

matching components such as shoes matching the top and some jeans that add to the contrast

on the whole fit, even better if I can find a hat that puts the whole thing together

7. It just feels good to look good, as plays into the looks that someone gets from having a good

fashion sense. Getting multiple compliments and stares just feels exceptional, especially when

you put so much thought into what you are wearing.

8. No, I don’t plan to become a pro in this industry because I have other aspirations. If there was

ever a chance that all else would fail and there is a position for me in this industry, then I

wouldn’t mind it.

9. I always want to believe that everyone looks at my style as something that they can look up to

and copy if it need be but of course not all will have the same opinion on this type of fashion


10. Fashion role models are not something I really have, I'm sure people before me have dressed in

the same sense, but I like my outfits to be my own.

11. Like I will be walking into many different stores to find one outfit, like I will never just wear one

clothing brand its many different brands that I clash together so I would need any one person to


12. The latest trends have sorely decreased over the years to where many people look crazy but at

the same time it’s a trend so what can I say I just stick with my same old same old.

13. New retro style Jordans the new Jordans are trying too hard and clashing colors that just look

horrible or shoe designs that are too eccentric to where they are doing the most.

14. I am really hoping for the futuristic look where everyone is where foil looking clothes and big

shades for kicks and giggles but looking at the models, we have now it's not too farfetched to

say this.

15. H&M their clothes are cheap and stylish and right up my ally of designs that I love to wear. Most

times I can go completely off H&M for whole styles and outfits.


Thursday, February 24, 2022

Blog Post #34 Interview questions for Magazine's feature story

 This post will contain the interview questions I plan to ask during my interview for my feature story. 

  1.  Tell me about your personal style.
  2. Any challenges you face.
  3. What do you hope to gain?
  4. Why this specific style?
  5. When did you become interested in fashion?
  6. What do you think looks best on you?
  7. Why fashion as a hobby?
  8. Do you plan to go professional?
  9. What do you hope others think of your fashion sense?
  10. Any fashion role models 
  11. If any why?
  12. What are your thoughts on the latest trends?
  13. Things you would like to see more of?
  14. What do you think is the future of fashion?
  15. What are your preferred brands? 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blog Post #30 Feature Lead Practice #2

 This blog post will consist of my 2nd practice in writing leads for my feature story

Lead Title: Prank caller scams people into thinking they've won a free car

Lead Description: A prank caller has tricked 18 people into thinking a dealership has offered them a free car

Practice Example: 

Someone called 18 people in the city last night. The caller identified himself as the president of Rutherford Ford, Inc., 2780 Doss Boulevard. He told each of the people that they had just won a new car from his dealership. Interviewed by reporters today, most of the people who received the calls said that at first they just couldn't believe it. And they were right. They couldn't. The person who called was a prankster, and Allen Rutherford, president of the dealership, says he has no idea who placed the calls, and that he's spending all his time today trying to explain the situation to those 18 people. "Someone apparently has a sick idea of humor," Rutherford said. After convincing people they had won a new car, the caller asked them to drop by the dealership this morning to pick it up. All 18 were there when the dealership opened its doors at 9 a.m. "I told them we never offered to give away a car," Rutherford said. "One woman told me she couldn't believe she'd won, and then she told me she couldn't believe it when I told her she hadn't. Two other women began to cry, and a man is threatening to sue me."

Feature Lead: "Someone apparently has a sick idea of humor," Allen Rutherford says on his most recent troubling matters. Rutherford is the president of a car dealership and has had to deal with a prank caller spreading a hoax that he's giving away free cars This of course has brought nothing for trouble on Rutherford as people patronize him believing that they've won a free car. "One woman told me she couldn't believe she'd won, and then she told me she couldn't believe it when I told her she hadn't. Two other women began to cry, and a man is threatening to sue me."

Blog Post #29 February Calendar Production

 This post will include my production schedule for the month of February  

Blog Post #32 Practice Interview

In this blog I will be practicing how to conduct an interview by asking one of my classmates a series of interview questions.

1. Who are your role models?

"My Dad"

2. Who do you listen to?

"Mostly a lot of K-pop, some bands like paramour" 

3. What is your magazine?

"I am doing a women's magazine"

4.What are strengths? 

"I'm very independent, I'm adaptable to any environment"

5. What are your weaknesses?

"Lack of communications is my biggest weakness"

6. What are your interests?

"I like a lot of art and music, anything artistic really"

7. How would you describe yourself?

"I'm pretty friendly, creative and focused"

8. How do you manage your time? 

"I don't really create a scheduled, I just do what's the quickest to work on first" 

9. How would you approach a difficult situation?  

"If I'm doing something on my own, I would figure out several solutions that would work best for me"

10. When was your greatest challenge?


11. Why did you choose this magazine?

"It was most interesting to me, no real specific reason" 

12. Where would you like to visit?

"Brazil, cause my grandmother lives there" 

13. What motivates you?

"Other people working"

14.What would you change about yourself?

"If I had to pick one, that I wasn't so introverted" 

15. Where do you see yourself in 10 years

"I would hope I'm in a financially stable situation, by myself"  

16. How would you sell yourself?

"I would reiterate my strengths" 

17. When given free time, what would you do?

"Drawing, to de-stress" 

18. How has covid-19 impacted your life?

"I feel like nothing has changes, as I'm already isolated most of the time" 

19.What was your greatest challenge? 

"Getting over my immense fear of public speaking"

20.What is an unpopular opinion? 

 "There is becoming to much of an obsession of celebrate worship"

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Blog Post #29 Featured Lead Practice #1

For the next series of blogs, I plan to develop my writing skills by practicing how to leads for my feature story in my magazine. This will be the first part. 

Lead Title: Research study shows habits of Men and Women in the workplace

Lead Description: This lead consists of the research about the habits of men and women in the workplace

Practice Example:

A study at the University of Michigan shatters some myths. The results were announced today. Women have a reputation for gossiping and talking, yet the study found the reputation is undeserved. The study, which required researchers to observe a number of people at work, found that women work both longer and harder than men—that men spend more time goofing off on the job. The study found that the average employed man spends 52 minutes, or 11 percent of each working day, not working: in scheduled coffee breaks, unscheduled rest breaks, at lunch beyond the normal hour and so forth. The average working woman spends only 35 minutes, or 8 percent of her working day, in such scheduled and unscheduled rest breaks. The same study found that the amount of effort expended by women at work is 112 percent that of men. The discrepancy is more dramatic than the statistics indicate because men earn more than women for the same type of work. The average man in the study earned $13 an hour, compared to 9.34 for the average woman. The women tended to hold mainly clerical jobs, but those in managerial positions also outperformed their male counterparts.

Feature Lead: 

Despite the stereotype that women have the habit of gossiping in the workplace, a new study from the University of Michigan proves its actually the opposite. The research study presents findings that its actually men who spend more time not working than their women counterparts. Specifically, men will spend an average of 52 minutes not working, while women would only spend an average of 35 minutes.